Monday, August 4, 2008

The Start of a New Week

Thank you to everyone that has read my blog so far. I was worried at first that I would not be able to open up about my feelings, but I think I will be able to overcome that little by little.
By some of the replies that you left, it trips me that we all struggle with depression or saddness at times. We live in a world that teaches us to hide what we are feeling, to be phoney. I am so tired of that crap. This is a new week and each new week I am going to try to make it better then the week before.

Last week was full of ups and downs. For a recap, I got home from Vacation on Monday. Our trip went well condidering we were in CA for a funeral. I chose to change my meds up during the trip, which probally was not the best idea. But, I managed pretty well. The change up did not really hit me until I got home. So I am sure that is one reason why the last part of the week for me was so dark.
Saturday, Jason and I went to our friends wedding. I was so nice, simple and lovely. I was truly happy that day. Hey - maybe I should start wedding crashing for the upper I need in life....ya never know it might work ;)
This week, I am increasing my dosage of the happy pill to the norm. I started slowly and so far no side effects that freak me out. Deciding how, when and what to do about these meds have really caused alot of stress, which is what they are supposed to help with....oxymoron again.
It helps to know that I am not alone, that so many people struggle with the same issues that I am. It goes to show you that you never really know what is going on in someones head.

Anyways, its Monday and I look fwd to this week....waiting again.

So I came across the Numa Numa kid this morning..I have not seen him in a few years and it made me laugh to see this again. I thought I would share.

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