Sunday, April 12, 2009


I believe in Jesus. I beleive that he indeed walked this earth long ago. I beleive that he was the Son of God and was sent here to Earth to save us. To give us hope. To Show us the way. To set an example of what Love is. To love so much that He would give His life for others. To not only love those who worshiped him but to love ALL PEOPLE. All colors. All Races. All Genders - regardless of what they did in their lives - regardless of who those people are and who they love and how they live their lives. If he can love everyone - so can I.
He died so long ago on the cross for all people - not just the people who "walk the walk" or "talk the talk"
I beleive that I will go to heaven if I beleive in these things and I do. Therefore when I close my eyes at night, I feel that I beleive that I am ok.
I have a relationship with God and that relationship is mine alone. It is not for others to discuss, it is not to be judged. But, I do not think that there is ONE RIGHT.
The fact that I need to blog about this, confirms for me, why I loathe religion.
For me, religion is about what other people think - Man - has created to put boundaries and rules around people to keep them from exploring who and what God is all about. To form their own opinions and to seek out knowledge when they are ready too.
This is why there are over 22 major religions in the world today. Each with their own concept of God and Heaven. Each one stating that they are the TRUE one - so what? is everyone else going to Hell? In each religion there are good things and bad things. For me, I truly admire Buddhists, for the patience that they practice and the mindfulness they try to achieve. I beleive it is possible to be both a person who believes in Jesus but wants to practice a life that Buddhists strive for. I want that for myself and when I am strong enough inside, I am going to explore that.
Is that wrong? To most religions, yes it is - and here is my problem. Why does it have to be my way or they highway?
But its man who has created all these rules and boundaries.
Here is my point. I beleive in God and Jesus. I do not need to go sit in Church somewhere to find him. He is right here when I need to him. Will he magically appear when I call out his name. No. Will it give me comfort to believe in him and pray to him for hope and guidance. Sure, it will. It can't hurt right??
I do not need any talks or helping opinions on how to talk with Jesus and everything will be so much better if I get up on a Sunday and head down to the church - how that make everything all better? Because you know what - its me here on this earth, Its me that needs to make the good become a reality. It may be him that guides me and shows me the way. But in the end its all me.
So my walk with God is my own. Its private and personal and not really up for discussion after the Easter ham.